We have done our best to load some current numbers in from the last few rounds of SRS and KOR.
If you open the link, you will see that we are now only allowing one rider per class / race to run each number.
This means that each rider, can choose a number. We will do all we can to accommodate every rider to run the number they want to.
We realise there will be some number clashes, and we will have to deal with this on a case by case basis.
Our formula for number preference if theres any current number double ups, will be :

MNZ numbers first, then MCI club members get precedence over non MCI member riders.

Please read the above carefully before applying for your current or new numbers.

Here is the link for our new number register :LINK

Here is the email address you need to send your number requests to : 

We need to know, which class and races you compete in, and which bike number you would like, We also need your first and last name.

If you see a red box around a number on the sheet, this means there is a number clash.

If you need to be reminded about your number colors and backgrounds, then here is a link to the MNZ number rules :LINK